sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010

Universität Kassel

The main campus of Kassel University is really beautiful. It was an old factory (I guess, I can't read german well enough to confirm it), so it all in red bricks. It was many trees, somewhat of a garden and a mini river with ducks. Oh, it is also my house, since I live inside the campus in a tiny tiny T0.
The sad part is... this is not the campus where I will have classes.

(Yes, I know... This last photo is completely out of focus... If I have the patience one of theses days I'll take some better ones.)

2 comentários:

  1. Pariiiga! Então ficas no campus.. mas não o teu?? Ah, ah! Olha, sempre ficas a conhecer mais gente doutros cursos! E a comida da cantina? Sentimos a tua falta por cá (eu sinto!) *

  2. Ola, tudo bem? O teu campus é bem nice (comparando com o meu) espero que estejas a ter uma boa estadia ai, aproveita bem! Vemo-nos no segundo semestre.

    Ana Sofia ( a outra da tua turma na FBAUL)
