terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

First impressions of Kassel

After a long way from Frankfurt Hahn, of changing between buses and trains and cabs and god knows what else, I finally arrived at Kassel.
It's a city full of contradictions, not big but not small also, not historical but not completely modern.
And the weather... well, pretty cold for me that am used to the comparatively warm portuguese winter, somewhat rainy. But on the rare sunny days is quite nice.

Nearly my first stop at Kassel, a small italian restaurant near the youth hostel.

The Studentenwerk building, the kind souls who provided me with a cheap residence.

 (small) Panoramic view of Königzplatz -  the center of the town.

sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010

First stop - Porto

Getting to Kassel isn't easy, especially if you decide to take the hardest (but cheapest) way.
I had to go take a train from Lisbon to Porto, so that I could take a Ryanair plane to Frankfurt Hahn, and from them the rest of the long way until Kassel.

Here are a couple of photos of my short one night stay at Porto.

Porto is an amazing city - so pretty, so cheap and the people are really nice. So if you're ever around Portugal, just go there!